
Venue : Impact Hub GENEVA                                                                                      Language : English

The Role of Evaluation in Project Management

  From Building a Better Bridge
to Transforming Former Child Soldiers into Carpenters

En partenariat  

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Odoo • Texte et Image

You all know how to manage your own projects, but if you were asked to assess someone else’s project, including an initiative as ambitious as convincing young men and women in remote villages in Liberia to fill their pockets with screws instead of bullets, how would you do it?

And if you were asked to use criteria such as Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Coherence, and Sustainability of Benefits, as well as look at the extent to which a project promotes Gender Mainstreaming – and to rate the project on those criteria as well as on its Management and Governance, and financial aspects, where would you start?

If you have no idea – come join us on March   30 th

                                  Speaker : Dr.Joyce Miller                                                 

Dr. Joyce Miller is CEO of a Swiss-based consultancy, Capacity Building Resource Exchange (CAPRESE) Sàrl. She has undertaken evaluation work for United Nations’ agencies since 2015, leveraging two decades of experience in organisational learning, capacity building, and institutional strengthening in developing and emerging countries in areas related to resource efficiency, green economy, circular economy, entrepreneurship, private sector development, impact monitoring, and evaluation. As well as coaching over 1,000 senior corporate staff to tap their talents, build their leadership repertoire, and create high performance teams through programmes of the International Institute for Management Development (IMD, Switzerland), she co-developed a virtual 8-week learning journey in innovation, pioneering the institute’s first “global leadership in the cloud” offering. She is a founder of PREMAnet e.V., a global network of practitioners and development professionals competent in applying Profitable Resource Efficient Management approaches (PREMA®), as part of the toolset of German International Cooperation (GIZ). She is on the Executive Board of the Swiss Knowledge Management Forum (SKMF) and is a founder of the LEGO Serious Play Community of Practice.